On Friday, May 17, 2024, Keystone College announced that it is in the final stages of executing a letter of intent and funding agreement with a strategic partner to create a new partnership that will provide Keystone with a roadmap for a long-term path...
In the News
Professor Jeff Brauer quoted in Scranton Times article
Professor Jeff Brauer was quoted in a Scranton Times article discussing the outcomes of the Pennsylvania primary election: Thousands of local primary voters cast ballots against Biden and Trump. Read the article. (subscription required)
Partial Solar Eclipse Viewing Party at Observatory
Hundreds came out to the Thomas G. Cupillari ’60 Observatory on April 8 to witness the 95% partial solar eclipse. Observatory staff offered discussions on the rare astronomical event as well as how to safely view the sun. Several telescopes with solar...
Professor Jeff Brauer quoted in Dispatch Politics article
Professor Jeff Brauer was recently quoted in a Dispatch Politics article discussing third-party options in the upcoming presidential election. Click here for the story.More News
Observatory eclipse event featured on WNEP segment
WNEP was at the Thomas G. Cupillari ’60 Astronomical Observatory last weekend for this feature story about the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8. The Thomas G. Cupillari ’60 Observatory will be open from 1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. for the 95% partial solar...
Sugar Shack featured on WNEP
WNEP’s Ally Gallo was on campus earlier this week for this feature story on the Keystone College Sugar Shack. More News
Sugar Shack Open House Media Coverage
WBRE Live Coverage: Keystone College Sugar Shack hosting open house Sunday WBRE Segment: Sugar Shack hosting open house Sunday The-Times Tribune (subscription required): Keystone College hosts Maple Sugar Open House Fox-56: Keystone's annual Sugar Shack...
Keystone College hosting inaugural 5K Sugar Walk/Run
WNEP-TV recently featured the upcoming Sugar Run 5K in a recent news story. Click here to view the segment.More News
Professor Jeff Brauer quoted in Washington Examiner article
Professor Jeff Brauer was recently quoted in a Washington Examiner article discussing Middle America. Click here for the story. More News
Times Leader Feature: President John F. Pullo, Sr.
President John F. Pullo, Sr. ’69 was featured in the Times Leader's Presidential Profiles special section. Click here to view the article.More News